Sunday, November 30, 2008

Placing Professional Atheletes up so high as to have them as Role Models.

What is wrong with having an athlete as a role model? Look at them and see what they do. You hear them give thanks to God for giving them this awesome talent. They heap praise on fellow team mates for doing the little things that allow them to be so fantastic. They get into the face of opposing players and stare them down, intimidate each other. Show them up in whatever way they can. Is not this what every parent wants of the kids they raise?

Then look at all they do off the field. Go to bars and nightclubs, getting into fights, carry weapons, they let people know they can do what they want, when they want and how they want. Makes me so proud to see them that way. I do want my kids and grand kids to look up to these guys. They make their parents proud for sure. To have your child look up to a guy that stands up on TV and says that he did not know that a pro football game could end in a tie. This is a quarterback that has been in the league for years. Did not know how the League he plays in deals with ties in the regular season compared to the post season. Then to have a player get into a fight with his team sponsored body guard. Another shoots himself in the leg. (I think there is more to this story.) They start fights on the court, in the field, on the bench. Against the other players, their own team mates and coaches, and then with the fans.

What does this say about us as a society? Look at the breed of youth we are developing in today's world. It seems that there is no respect for anything or anyone, knowing and understanding the rules are not as important as the final outcome. You sure don't have to be smart to be a professional athlete do you? If you are good enough you don't have to go to college, or if you do go then why finish. The all important dollar is waiting for you. That all important buck, The all important spotlight on them. The cash dries up once they stop playing and the light bulb burns out eventually. I don't want to put all athletes in the same category because they are not, but we need to stop looking up to them except for the ability they show on the court or on the field.

Role models I think not. Doing things the way they want, at whatever the expense be to others and with what rules they see fit to use. Thank you Charles Barkley for not wanting to be a role model. That made you more of one than all the other bozos out there. An athlete is nothing more than an entertainer. What good do they do to society as a whole. They make you feel good or bad for a moment. They allow your emotions to run wild for a moment. To root for the winning team or boo the other team. Lets put it all in perspective. If an athlete does something to better society then I will look up to him. And there are many out there that do just that. But you hardly ever hear about them. Its the jerks that make the news and the ones that kids are wearing those jerseys.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Seeing a friend from years past.

This past Saturday was a really good day. With all the medical problems that I have endured this past year I had a real good day. What made it so good you ask? Maybe you don't ask but I am going to tell you anyways. Cindy and I went to Auburn, AL and watched the Auburn football homecoming game. But that was not the best part of it. After 30 years I came across the girl, now woman, that I dated my senior year in High School. We had a very good, but short, reunion of sorts, if you want to call it that.

Now before you say anything I should give a little background. First off, when we met and d
ated we were living in northeastern Ohio. I was a senior and she was a junior and we attended different, RIVAL, schools. We ended our relationship because of me. With me getting ready to go off to college in Tennessee and her staying in Ohio, I wanted or felt the need to expand my horizons. You know, that silly thinking coming from a high school kid. Anyways it was a good breakup, as we did not talk bad about each other nor were we ever negative about our relationship. This past June I received a message from from Cheryl. It was like, WOW, never thought I would ever hear from her again. I replied and we actually starting catching up by way of E-mail. It was really fun to catch up. Anyways while on Facebook I saw that she was going to the Auburn game this past weekend also, she has a daughter in attendance at Auburn. I left her a message on Facebook saying we should get together if at all possible. Phone numbers had already been exchanged so making the meeting happen was a very good possibility.

Cindy and I were walking around and had some time to kill prior to the game so I told Cindy that I was going to give Cheryl a call. It just so happened
we were really close to each other at the time of that call. We were walking towards each other, talking on the phone, when we glanced up and saw one another. That was really a cool feeling. As far as I am concerned she has not changed all that much from 30 years ago other than looking like a mature woman. And this is a good mature look. So anyways we all four got together and had a burger. Cheryl and Mike, her husband, with Cindy and I. I want to thank both Mike and Cindy for allowing us to sit and yak at each other for the short time we had. Though we did not get to visit about everything, we were able to see each other. It was very nice. I even was able to give her a great big hug.

So what about seeing someone from your past. Whether it be an old girlfriend, classmate, best friend, or just friend, how you end that friendship the l
ast time you see them means so much for that next time you may come across them. Always being positive, straight forward and honest means that you can look at the person the next time and have a great reunion. At the college reunion there were those there that I did not have great relationships with. When we saw each other we did not even acknowledge each other. Then with those that I had good or great relations with we were able to pick right up where we left off. I guess what I want to say with all this is, If you are in any type of relationship it is important to end that relationship in the best way possible, as you may see them again and you want it to be positive. We all grow up and mature lets make sure our social skills have done the same.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The historical election of Obama for President.

So we had a historical night in the United States of America. The first African-American was elected as our President. What is the implication of this? How will the USA be affected by this? What pressure does this put on Obama and his Change attitude?

First off, what is the implication of this? In my opinion all minorities will now have to look in the mirror and say to themselves. Anyone can become whatever they want in America. What does that mean? MINORITIES MUST NOW STOP USING USING THEIR RACE AS AN EXCUSE FOR NOT SUCCEEDING. You have no excuse now. Stand up and be an American now. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the ACLU, you just lost so much of your argument now. You guys did not make Obama what he is, he did it his way, with out using your arguments, to be what he wanted. At least that is what Obama has tried to make us believe. Did he tell us the truth? That is yet to be seen.

What effect does this have on the United States? Attitude. Pure and simple. Every action develops into some sort of attitude and it is always acted upon in one way or another. Are White people going to have an attitude of negativity towards minorities, or are they going to stand up for America and continue to do all they can to make and keep America a strong and prosperous nation. Are Blacks going to get in the face of Whites and act in ways that are not American? You are African-American by descent, just as everyone in this nation is a descendant of some other country. Asian-American, French-American, German, Polish, Korean, Latin, you name it that is what American is. Lets do away with this BS as we are all AMERICANS and I am darn proud of that. So lets have a positive attitude on the meaning of this historic election.

Lets talk about pressure now. President-Elect Obama you have placed more pressure on yourself and the Democratic Party and I hope that you realize how difficult of a job you have undertaken. If I recall you have not allowed the current administration to make excuses for failures, so this must be placed on you as well. You will be expected to make things happen. Don't tell me that you need two terms to do this. You are elected for four years and you MUST show progress during this time. I do not want to see the same people making the same decisions that have been made over and over again. Be radical if you have to. Step on the toes of the House and Senate, whatever the party affiliate they are. If you show preference you are not a man of change. So much is going to be expected of you and you had better produce. If you fail then everyone in America and the world will be looking at you as an African-American that had no business being placed in the position he was put in. So please do not be that African-American but be an AMERICAN who is of African-American descent. We do not need race we need nationality, but most of all we need LEADERSHIP.

My take on this election is that no matter who is thrust into the role of Leader, you have your hands full. Do not look back and blame, but step up to the plate and lead. Lead us forward, keep us united and keep us strong. We need to believe that you have the best interests of every American in mind when you take the Lead of this, OUR country. You will be judged for every decision that is made in Washington, not just from the White House, but from every branch of the Government, as you are its chosen, elected leader. We are one nation, under God and do not forget that.

I am going to leave this post with one final statement that was written over 200 years ago. It is profound as much now as it was back when it was first written.

The Constitution of the United States of America.

We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution of the United States of America.
We live in the best and greatest country in the world and it was founded for a reason that has been laid out from its beginning. Live it, love it, and experience it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

How hard it is to communicate.

Communication, it is needed in all relationships or they are doomed to fail. I believe this totally because I have seen it first hand. It is not a matter of just communicating but properly communicating. Saying things properly and in the right context is a necessity when it comes to communicating. Being in the proper mind of course is a must and when you say something making sure it is OK for you to express yourself in that situation.

The expression of, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," comes to mind too. But there are times when getting things out and into the open is mandatory for proper self preservation. If you are communicating properly being able to say things, even if they are not "nice", should be possible. But how easy is it to do that.

For me, at times, I have no problem communicating. Then I start to think about all the consequences of speaking up and speaking out. It has been known to get me into trouble as I tend to speak my mind and it has often caused problems. It has been said that talking about politics and religion are areas to stay away from. Children and family are two others that should be added to this list. I have tried to talk with my ex concerning our children and have learned that this is an impossibility. One way or another it has always come back and bitten me.

I suppose in order to respond to the statement of how hard it is to communicate, you have to look at those involved in the communication. Where are they mentally? What stake do they have in the discussion? Is it going to be or could it be taken "personal"? So much to consider yet there is so much to lose when you do not communicate. I look at my past, seeing what has happened then, and find it is so difficult to come up with a proper way to communicate about some things. I am going to try to work on my communication skills, trying to improve on them as much as I can. It is an ongoing process and working on those skills are every bit as important as communicating itself.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The disappearance of common courtesy.

Is there such thing as common courtesy anymore? What does it take to do something out of respect for others or just because its the right thing to do? Family members or close friends are in need, so you do for them just as you would want them to do for you. Take time to visit or just be there for them if something needs done. Where has the consideration for others gone to?

Is it laziness, a lack of teaching, or is it disrespect, or maybe they just not care? Sometimes I think our lives are just way too busy or we allow that business to interfere with being there for others. I don't really have the answer but I know that this is a problem that seems to be everywhere.

I guess I am getting old or it just seems that lots of things are bothering me lately. My attitude is not very good during times like this and I get a bit irritated. There are times when I want to say things but I don't, out of respect. When it comes to my kids I say something and it comes back to bite me in the rear. So I vent my frustrations in my blog.

What does it take to be a little bit more considerate? The truth is, not much. Just stop what we are doing and take the time to look out for the other person instead of just meeting our own needs. Its not all about you or me its about everyone.