Monday, March 16, 2015

Already 3 months into 2015

Has it been that long since I blogged.. Yep. August of last year since my last one. Oh, well, that is how it goes with blogging and where I put my priorities.

Actually saw that a friend (Facebook) was thinking about blogging and led me to check out mine. This one is not going to be long but just need to let a few things get down on print.

Today is the 6th anniversary of the passing of my Dad. I am not sad or anything just thinking about the things he and I did. Playing catch, shooting baskets, small talk, the dinners he took me out on game days in HS. How I could always count on he and my mom always being there to watch me play basketball and baseball.

The time I found out that he was a member of a State Championship HS Basketball team in Nevada. Getting to go out when they honored the team on the 50th anniversary of the event. How driving from Las Vegas to his HS town I learned more about him in that 6 hours than I had in the previous 28 years of my life.

Then getting to learn how much fun it was to go cruising on those big cruise ships with him. Seeing how much fun he tried to have the older he got. Then being able to spend 15 months with him prior to his passing. Taking care of those special needs that no one should have to do but when you would only want someone close to you to be able to help you with. Yep! I miss my Dad but I am not sad, just reminiscing.

On to something else. Tonight I allowed myself to feel my pain. I HATE IT!!!!!! Tried falling asleep and all I could do was feel the pain. It still hurts 3 hours later, (now), but I am starting to get tired enough that maybe I can fall asleep. We shall see after I get done writing this. Next week I move on to a stronger pain medicine. Had to get off the Norco (Hydrocodone) due to the acetaminophen that we believe is messing with my liver enzymes. I sure do hope that it helps. I do have a very high pain tolerance but for some reason it is getting less and less. Maybe it is that I am getting older or just becoming a whimp.. lol. Who knows but I am ready for some relief. 

I have started to work out to strengthen my core muscles. Treadmill, elliptical, and two weight machines. I get sore from that but that is not a bad pain like the other. I can deal with the work out. Two weeks in to it and maybe this is just my body fighting my workouts. I sure do hope so.