Saturday, August 23, 2014

Gloom, despair and agony on me.

From the TV Show "Hee-Haw" (1969 -1992)
Buck Owens & Roy Clark

Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me

With all the talk of depression and such out there lately I felt the need to post something concerning what to do or take when you feel depressed? I take the medication Cymbalta that is used to treat depression but also for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. I found this information on the WebMD site. Cymbalta is indicated for the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain. This has been established in studies in patients with chronic low back pain(CLBP) and chronic pain due to osteoarthritis.

Now let me be clear I have not been diagnosed with depression but I will say that I have bouts with it occasionally due to the constant pain that I have.

I found a list of 10 natural depression treatments that are pretty good if you like to do things on your own. Let me say also that there is nothing wrong with having to take medication to help you though whatever you may be going through such as depression and pain. There are things out there that can sure help but I like to do as much as I can to help myself with out the use of drugs.

What I have really found to be the best treatment for me is to have my puppy, well he can considered a dog now, but he is so small that I like calling him my puppy. Gonzo. There are times I get so overwhelmed with the pain that talking to him, petting him or even just playing with him takes the pain away. No, it is still there but I think less of it. With what Robin Williams did due to the depressive state he was in is so sad, and there are many others that have done similar. I find that when I have Gonzo up close to me, whether he be sleeping, playing or just chilling, I am able to relax and feel a little bit better. I could not imagine doing anything to myself having him so close to me. Those of you that have pets know what I am talking about.

10 Natural Depression Treatments
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Joseph Goldberg, MD
Being depressed can make you feel helpless. You're not. Along with therapy and sometimes medication, there's a lot you can do on your own to fight back. Changing your behavior -- your physical activity, lifestyle, and even your way of thinking -- are all natural depression treatments.
These tips can help you feel better -- starting right now.
1. Get in a routine. If you’re depressed, you need a routine, says Ian Cook, MD. He's a psychiatrist and director of the Depression Research and Clinic Program at UCLA.
Depression can strip away the structure from your life. One day melts into the next. Setting a gentle daily schedule can help you get back on track.
2. Set goals. When you're depressed, you may feel like you can't accomplish anything. That makes you feel worse about yourself. To push back, set daily goals for yourself.
"Start very small," Cook says. "Make your goal something that you can succeed at, like doing the dishes every other day."
As you start to feel better, you can add more challenging daily goals.
3. Exercise. It temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins. It may also have long-term benefits for people with depression. Regular exercise seems to encourage the brain to rewire itself in positive ways, Cook says.
How much exercise do you need? You don’t need to run marathons to get a benefit. Just walking a few times a week can help.
4. Eat healthy. There is no magic diet that fixes depression. It's a good idea to watch what you eat, though. If depression tends to make you overeat, getting in control of your eating will help you feel better.
Although nothing is definitive, Cook says there's evidence that foods with omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon and tuna) and folic acid (such as spinach and avocado) could help ease depression.
5. Get enough sleep. Depression can make it hard to get enough shut-eye, and too little sleep can make depression worse.
What can you do? Start by making some changes to your lifestyle. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Try not to nap. Take all the distractions out of your bedroom -- no computer and no TV. In time, you may find your sleep improves.
6. Take on responsibilities. When you’re depressed, you may want to pull back from life and give up your responsibilities at home and at work. Don't. Staying involved and having daily responsibilities can work as a natural depression treatment. They ground you and give you a sense of accomplishment.
If you're not up to full-time school or work, that’s fine. Think about part-time. If that seems like too much, consider volunteer work.
7. Challenge negative thoughts. In your fight against depression, a lot of the work is mental -- changing how you think. When you're depressed, you leap to the worst possible conclusions.
The next time you're feeling terrible about yourself, use logic as a natural depression treatment. You might feel like no one likes you, but is there real evidence for that? You might feel like the most worthless person on the planet, but is that really likely? It takes practice, but in time you can beat back those negative thoughts before they get out of control.
8. Check with your doctor before using supplements. "There's promising evidence for certain supplements for depression," Cook says. Those include fish oil, folic acid, and SAMe. But more research needs to be done before we'll know for sure. Always check with your doctor before starting any supplement, especially if you’re already taking medications.
9. Do something new. When you’re depressed, you’re in a rut. Push yourself to do something different. Go to a museum. Pick up a used book and read it on a park bench. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Take a language class.
"When we challenge ourselves to do something different, there are chemical changes in the brain," Cook says. "Trying something new alters the levels of [the brain chemical] dopamine, which is associated with pleasure, enjoyment, and learning."
10. Try to have fun. If you’re depressed, make time for things you enjoy. What if nothing seems fun anymore? "That's just a symptom of depression," Cook says. You have to keep trying anyway.
As strange as it might sound, you have to work at having fun. Plan things you used to enjoy, even if they feel like a chore. Keep going to the movies. Keep going out with friends for dinner.
When you're depressed, you can lose the knack for enjoying life, Cook says. You have to relearn how to do it. In time, fun things really will feel fun again.
I hope that this information is and has been helpful to someone out there. Take care and enjoy that dog of yours.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Tony Stewart did NOT kill Kevin Ward Jr.

I have to chime in on this incident in which NASCAR driver Tony Stewart's car hit and killed another driver. First of all let me say that I feel for the family of Kevin Ward Jr. Saying this. I disagree with the family coming out and criticizing Tony Stewart for KILLING their son. Tony Stewart did not kill Kevin Ward Jr. The actions of a young driver getting caught up in the moment let his emotions get the best of him and he recklessly ran out onto a racetrack to make a confrontation and after narrowly getting out of the way of one car stepped into the path of Stewarts car.

Was this Stewarts fault for hitting Ward Jr.? NO!!!! The statement by family members of Ward say that Stewart should have seen him. Maybe he should have but the problem with this is that race drivers are told not to leave your car and go out onto the track. Now there is a rule specifically stating this but even the youngest of drivers would know not to walk out in the way of cars that are racing. Let alone anything that may be racing. Would you think of walking out onto a track where horses are racing before they get to you? Again the answer is NO!!!!

Due to the family of Ward going after Stewart I feel that they are doing an injustice to all of racing. This opens the door for others to attack Kevin Ward Jr. Many things could be said such as, he had a attitude, road rage is probably in his past, he lacked self control, and so forth. I am not saying this but it makes you wonder. What should he have done? That is hard to say as well but doing anything on the track itself is stupid. Yes, I did say it was stupid. Why? Because, look at what happened due to his irrational thinking and walking out to confront a driver. Take it to the pits, after the race, then confront. It happens all the time. Emotions run rampant but common sense needs to take control.

The family of Kevin Ward Jr. is dealing with a terrible event as well as Tony Stewart and all of racing. To point fingers accomplishes nothing because it will not bring back Kevin Ward Jr. In my opinion when all is over and done the fault will fall on one person and he is not here to defend his actions. Actions that are really not defendable. I feel for the family of Kevin Ward Jr. but I also feel for Tony Stewart and what this has caused him to go through.