Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Block walkers and circlers!!!!

Have you ever known a person who, when attempting to complete a task, walks around the block to get to the corner? Say what? Ok let me be more descriptive here. You live on a block and walk out your front door. The goal is to go left and meet someone at the corner of the block. But instead of taking the direct route you go right and walk all the way around the block and end up at the corner. You accomplished what you wanted but you took the long way around. I call these people 'block walkers'.

My impression of the 'block walker' is that they are people who will find the most difficult way to complete a project. Sometimes this is good in that they take extra time to make sure the project is done correctly but it seems as if there is always an easier way for the same thing to be completed. Whenever I attempt to do something I try to see the most practical, the simplest and easiest way, and then get to it and get it done. When I am with the 'block walker' I find myself becoming frustrated and irritated.

There is another type of person that I wish to address as well. What do you know about 'circlers'? You know, those that go around and around a subject while never completely touching what is really being asked or said. When you attempt to get an answer out of this person all they are able to do is give anything but the actual correct answer. I find these people are either afraid of what they will reveal by telling the truth, or just incapable of giving a direct answer. Sometimes this can be done to protect themselves or they are attempting to not hurt the one that has asked the question. My personal feeling is when you circle the answer you are bordering on being deceptive and lying. I find being around this type of person frustrates me as well and at times more so than the 'block walkers'.

Why talk about these types of people in the same post, other than they go around things rather than being direct? I guess the reason is noticing these types of people, for me, is a way of protecting myself from frustration. In my attempts to learn about others, if they are these types, I discover that I will avoid or limit my contact with them. The 'block walkers' are easier to pick up on while the 'circler' tends to be much more difficult. This difficulty makes the 'circler' a more dangerous person, in my opinion, because they tend to give answers at times that are correct but in reality they will become deceptive when necessary to protect themselves. I am able to associate more with the 'block walker' because they just make doing things difficult while the 'circler' manipulates situations to maintain their security.

The 'block walker' and the 'circler', though they most likely are not bad people, I tend to maintain distance from them. Frustration is associated with them both while the 'circler' is one that I would prefer to stay away from. My goal is to be direct with people when talking and answering questions that are asked of me. The same thing with projects, hitting them head on and getting them done, as fast as practical and correctly completed. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

I will delete the appropriate program.

I was watching an old episode of "Star Trek- The Next Generation" where Data became involved in a personal romantic relationship with a human. Data of course is an android incapable of understanding the nuances of a relationship. He had to create a program, as in a computer, to attempt to build the relationship, but he was really unable to fully comprehend all the idiosyncrasies of a human. This led to the relationship not becoming anything other than an experiment for him. The human female was unable to do anything at all to get any emotions out of Data. She had to end the relationship and due to Data being an android his only response was "I will delete the appropriate program".

If it were only that simple. Data strives to become more human. We as humans want to or attempt to block things out, become less human because of the hurts. We can not do that. What we do or should do from our experiences is to treasure any and all your interactions and learn and grow from them. That is what being human is about. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Single LIfe

This is a tough one but for some reason I feel the need to talk about this. I am 52 years old and for the most part have been in a relationship in one form or another. Various girlfriends and yes, more than one marriage. There are things in both a relationship and being single that have its advantages and even disadvantages. What I find most important is to be happy and content in either one.

Being involved in a relationship takes involvement with the other person, communication and balancing your time. I am not talking about only being in love with someone relationship but various ones including just a simple learning about, dating (casual or serious), to the more serious of engagement to marriage. The whole gamut of relationships to be unspecifically specific. At my age forging a new relationship is difficult. First of all finding someone close to my age. Then being able to find someone where both of us can overcome our pasts to make a present. Of course there is so much more to it but that talk is for another time.

I guess what I am getting at is how bad is it to live the single life. What it boils down to is, am I content with where I am? In order to move forward it is important for me to be content with every aspect of where I am. I can get real spiritual here and say that God has my life in His hands and will direct me to where I need to be and with whom I need to be with, and I do agree with this. For anyone though you have to take a look at who and what you are, accept all those things and then allow life to happen around you and join in of course. You never know what is in store or who possibly will enter into your life. Those are things that I have to allow to happen while living the single life.