Friday, July 19, 2013

Protesting for the right reasons.

Lately there have been many protests. Of course the verdict in Florida has been the biggest of late and then there are the so called silent protests by athletes for other athletes. Now I do not see anything wrong with protesting as long as it is done for the right reason. Often we are worked up emotionally over things and we jump up and down and protest in ways that are so unproductive that instead of positive reactions the negativity is what gets all the attention. 

Zimmerman/ Martin protests are about our system of justice based on the belief that race was involved. First of all we have a justice system that works most of the time. We have had some people wrongfully imprisoned but overall the jury gets it correct. You have to have overwhelming, beyond a reasonable doubt evidence to convict. If a conviction is obtained though the person is innocent it is usually due to poor counsel. Our system will allow a guilty person to remain free if there is any shred of doubt in the eyes of the jury. Does this infuriate us? Possibly, but why? If you are in that courtroom and your life is hanging in the balance don't you want to be treated fairly and if there are many sides to a story and your side may be correct showing just the possibility that you are not guilty our system says let them go. Impartial jury's hearing evidence from both sides, not to consider outside factors, such as television and "experts" that do not have all the facts, then getting together and deliberating those facts, making a decision that has to be without ANY DOUBT. I myself would prefer to have a person set free if there is a possibility of his innocence rather than put in jail for the same reason. Our system works for the most part so to protest the system working is idiotic.

Then for two pro football players to tweet the disapproval of our system based on personal feelings. Now if I take the attitude they have and use it here is what I would say. You have a pro athlete that has been given many chances due to his ability, most likely given credit for not completing tasks the normal person has been required to do, given a pass lets say and now they wish to dismiss our system. If you give someone a free ride they in turn expect free rides for everyone. But they do not have the facts and are basing it on race and attitude. Maybe this is why our society is getting more screwed up each and every day that passes.

Then you take the twin football players that were college teammates with Hernandez of the Patriots. Free Hernandez was what the hats they wore said. Free a possible killer, not of one person, but investigated in the murder of several. Where do they get off protesting his arrest? Talk about entitlement!!! Yes we do have freedom of expression but what is it based on. Emotions, race, expectations, these are what get people moving and jumping but is it real. Is it based on facts? Do you wonder why no one respects the protests and protestors! Lets protest for the right reasons. Get all the facts before hand and do not base it on just feelings. We are a country of many different opinions and ideas. We have a system of justice that for the most part works. It worked in the Zimmerman trial whether you liked the outcome or not. Think of it this way as I stated earlier. If it were you standing before the judge and jury you would want the evidence to be so clear that there was no doubt at all? 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

What does your Church do when....

I was attending my previous church, a mega church, for three (3) plus years. Making my self part of the church as much as I could, (tithing, attending small groups, special events). Then some personal things hit me and no one from the church came to me in any way. Before you ask, yes there were many who knew what was going on in my life. I made some comments to staff concerning some issues I had and not a response at all. I disassociated myself with a group and not one member of the group has come to me.

During the same time I have attended a, lets say, more conventional church on Wednesday evening, as my former church does not have a Wednesday evening service. I also attend a small group that is held in the mega church but I dare say is not fully supported by the mega church. The pastor of the conventional church is a shepherd of his flock to put it, as he is aware and notices things. He was one of the first to come to me when he saw my disposition changed after the issues I eluded to earlier came forth. My small group has been there for me and they continue to be there for me as they are my strength.

So back to my title. What does your church do when you face personal issues or happen to stop attending the church? I would hope that someone from the church you were attending would notice you having difficulty or being gone. My opinion is if they are not doing this then they are really not interested in you as an individual. Leaving this church was not a difficult decision for me at all. They just do not care as far as I am concerned. Now I do not want to fully put down the church because they do have some good projects going on out there but for the individual it is not worthy of my attendance. If your major concern is making sure the community knows about you and all you do but in return the church is not concerned with the individual then you are not in agreement with the way Jesus ministered. Jesus was one on one, not concerned with what the masses thought but how the individual became stronger. Doesn't the Bible say that the church is made of many members, individually working towards the greater good of the whole?

I have to say to this that I am now going full time to the conventional church. Not joined yet but will in due time. My Sunday School class is a strength to me as they serve the needs of the individuals in the class but also serve together as a group. Others in the church are reaching out to me in friendship and I to them. To be part of the whole, connected to all in one way or another is how I think of a church. If someone is hurting the church hurts with them. If a person or family leaves the church you find out why and what is going on to make them leave. Concern for the individual while making the whole greater. So I ask again, What does your church do when...? 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

To take responsibility or not? That is the question.

So often when things happen, we have two choices. Take responsibility or put it off on someone else. To clarify this it has to be when you ARE responsible for what has happened in part or in whole or are the one in charge. I have seen this while working with the public, in the workplace, in relationships, in churches, with politicians. Pretty much everywhere.

To put the responsibility off on another is a disservice to yourself and to whomever you placed it on. So many times the truth will come out and you will look so much the..... (you can fill that in for whatever word fits). If consequences are a result then you have to live with yourself for causing them and allowing another to take the fall. Then there is the possibility that it will be investigated and the truth will find its way to the forefront. The results are a lingering effect and often times you have to live with it for the rest of your life, negatively.

When you accept responsibility a different outlook shows itself. You are looked at as a person of integrity. Good, bad, or ugly, no matter, people will say that you stood tall, accepted all that comes from it and you will gain respect. To be respected in your actions is one of the greatest validations a person can obtain. One other thing to consider when accepting responsibility, once it is out and over with you are able to move on.

Continually moving forward is what we want to do in life. To always be looking back over your shoulder, wondering, is not how we want to live. Not accepting responsibility sets us back, keeps our eyes out of focus on the current and the future. We lose respect from others and we are always having to work harder making sure we do things correctly. Life can be difficult enough without putting more pressure on ourselves. Accepting responsibility shows an inner self confidence that knows we can make up for any negative in our life. This gives us the knowledge that others respect us and know that we have integrity and can keep the trust and confidence of others no matter the situation.