Saturday, August 21, 2010

Being Consistent

We always talk about being consistent in our daily lives or at least we think about it and try to be, but why do we want to be consistent? I think that we have consistency on our minds because all too often we come across those around us that are not consistent. Actually how many times have we looked at our self and saw inconsistencies in us. I know over the past I have been up and down showing a few sides of being inconsistent that would even be construed as somewhat crazy or even psycho.

How often do we see that in others and ourselves!!! How often have we needed someone to be consistent in our lives and they have not been!!! It can be very frustrating. So often we go through our own times of ups and downs and those that are close to us stop being consistent with us and it really makes things difficult. Our insecurities become enhanced and we feel that we are all alone. You slow down your growth process making moving forward take even longer. You tend to make rash decisions not considering all the consequences.

So what am I getting at? I believe that it is very important to stay consistent in all steps of our lives. Having an open communication with your family and closest friends is a must and as you talk about things make sure that you remain consistent with what you say and do. If you are in agreement as to how you want to see things progress, (not necessarily knowing how they will end) try to stay consistent with what you say and do. I will back this up with the life of Jesus. Now I know He already knew the outcome of His life though His followers did not. But what was so important is that He was consistent all the way to the end, giving us an example to try to follow after.

I know that I will go through times of being inconsistent and for that I apologize. But I want others to know that I will do my best to be as consistent as possible. It is not only important for my friends and family but for me as well. I want to remind myself to be consistent. I am going to try to be consistent for my friends and family. Someone that is dependable and true. Yes, I know that there will be times when I will fail and show some signs of inconsistency, but in the end I would like for others to say that no matter what he was consistent for the most part. I can not ask for any more than that.