Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Direction Life Takes You.

Taking a look at where I was several years ago to where I am right now, my life has made a complete turn around. I found myself wondering, what am I doing and why is my life so miserable? I have always been one to do for others and not expect anything in return but after time it became very discouraging.

I believe that I am beginning to see the rest of the story now. Its a matter of doing things for others for the right reason. What is the right reason? We need to do for others because that is what God requires of us, PERIOD. To have a servants attitude is what I believe is required of us if we are to follow the example that Jesus showed us. He understood His reasoning for being among us and followed the plan to its end. My responsibility is to learn from His example and teachings and serve others in a like manner. Everything will take care of itself after that because that is what God has promised, if we do as He wants us to.

My firm belief is that if you follow the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you,"
eventually everything will turn out the way it should. So all I have to do is see how Jesus would have me to act and be, then do those things to and for others and then He will take care of me. I can not expect from others because if I do then I will surely be disappointed. Knowing that it is God that will take care of me is all I need to be concerned with as long as I do as He would have me to do.

So what does this have to do with the direction life has taken me. Since August 2006 I have concentrated on doing all I can for anyone that has come in to my life. (Not that I did not do this prior to that time.) It has come in the form of saying something encouraging to someone in a time of need, to giving up my life to be a caregiver to my Father, and everything in between. I am finally seeing that my life has meant something and that God has taken care of me during this time. The direction that I am heading is positive and productive and no matter what direction I have felt my life has been headed, it is not in my control, but God has been directing it all along. So I accept the direction life is taking me knowing that it is being controlled by God. That direction is the best way to be headed.