Tuesday, September 30, 2008

People who abandon kids.

We hear almost weekly about young mothers dropping newborns off at safe havens. Yes, also the ones that abandon them in places that lead to the injury or death of the child. I want to talk about those that use the safe havens to drop them off and the new laws out there.

My first thought is, Thank God they put them in a safe place. Next I am so glad that the child will be, at least we hope,
properly cared for and given a good home. Now, what about that mother, or father. Actually those references should not be used for that person. They did not take on the responsibility of a mother or father so they should not be called that. What about this person? If they acted within the law of the State should they be located or identified? I believe that if they are identified it should only be so they can never come back to claim the child so as to receive benefits. If they are not identified the child should be identified in a way that the birth parent should have no rights concerning the child again, ever. I do understand that there are many things that have happened to cause the person to do this deed. They need help. But in no way should they ever be rewarded.

This of course is my opinion, if everything the person did is within the law. If at anytime the child was in danger and prosecution is needed, then by all means, prosecute to the fullest.

What about those laws that have been put in place to protect these children? Overall I think that they are good because it may save the life of one of these little angels. My true hope is that we as a society will take the proper steps to be compassion
ate towards those that have the tendency to follow that pattern of abandonment. Making and adopting laws do not fix the problem.

There are many downfalls to society that need referenced but it is going to take instilling proper values and morals into the population to prevent others from continuing this unacceptable behavior.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Who is to Blame?

I find it interesting that so many want to place blame on others for all the problems we are having. I am not talking just about Wall Street, but this also includes the War in Iraq, terrorism, high cost of living and Global Warming. My opinion, and this comes from pretty much a nobody, is that when someone draws attention to another they are in fact trying to take the focus away from themselves. I have learned from working as a State Trooper and dealing with differing sides that usually the one that speaks the loudest is the one hiding something,or does not have any real answers to the situation.

So what does this mean to you if you are reading this. It is necessary to place everything in proper perspective when the blame game is being played. Is the person speaking out for himself? What does he/she have to gain from finger pointing? Do they have any real answers?

Next, does placing the blame really help with the situation? Does having someone at fault make things better? In most instances all blame does is cause bitter feelings and forces others to choose sides. Being on opposite sides is not necessarily bad because it forces sides to debate. When the debate happens though, this is not the time for placing blame. That is the time to step forward and show what answers you have to correct or fix a situation.

I watched the presidential debate the other night as well as listened to the many political leaders over the past week speaking. When the blame game was played I was turned off by the speaker. The fact is we are in a situation, Wall Street, Iraq, terrorism, high cost of living, Global Warming. What are you going to do about it? How can you involve others to make the situation better? Do you want to work together or are you following your own agenda?

I stated earlier that I was basically a nobody but that is not fully correct. I am a registered voter and being a United States Citizen that makes me a somebody. There are millions of no body's out there that can make a difference so all of you politicians should show us what you are made of and what you can do for us. Stop blaming and say something I can relate to!!!