Friday, July 9, 2010

"The Greatest Generation"

I just finished reading a very good book written by Tom Brokaw. The book was published back in 1998 so it has been around a while. It is called "The Greatest Generation" and tells the stories of veterans and others that grew up during the "Great Depression" and World War II. How they matured during trying times and the effect it had on them, forcing them to make great strides through many trials. It tells of the accomplishments they made to help better the world and specially the United States. Truly they were a great generation.

So why do I "talk" about this in my blog. As I was reading the many stories I became touched and humbled by the things that were accomplished by a large group of people having gone through many horrifying experiences and very trying times. At one point I became upset at how we now believe we are so entitled to things that we have not really earned. Others have earned what we are now enjoying so how can we say that we deserve this or that and expect it to be given to us. Have we become a selfish country and people?

To answer that truthfully I would say that we have but if I really think about it I need to clarify this answer. Over the years we as a people have created the notion that we are entitled to many many things. Instant gratification has become the norm and if one person gets it why can not I get it. Opportunities have come about for each and everyone of us to make something out of ourselves so that we can get just about anything we want. There are those out there still that do not want to work for anything and expect many things to be just given to them, but is that the norm? Yes there are some parents out there that have given to their kids because they can, and these children in turn keep expecting. Yes, our government has given so much to many people that even more believe the government should continue to give and give. The attitude to many has become, "They got it so why shouldn't I." We have seen this over and over by the media telling us this again and again. There are groups out there that expect large contracts just because, special treatment because, its one thing after another. We hear about it all the time and every day. This makes it so easy to say, "Yes we have become a selfish people".

Guess what? I really do not believe we are selfish as a whole. Each and every day there is someone out there trying to make the best of the situation. They are not taking all they can but are giving. There are organizations out there that are helping and doing for others all the time. Not everyone is out there doing a job for just the money. They truly believe that what they are doing is going to help others. We all have a selfish side but if we look down deep there is a part of us that wants to do for others no matter the cost. Athletes with those huge contracts do give back to the communities. Actors find ways to generate funds and help the needs of many special groups. Large corporations donate time and money to make the cities and towns they are in better places. Local organizations and churches have so many people who volunteer time, money and effort to make a difference in communities.

We hear so many negative things in the press but there is so much positive going on that is not publicized. After all, do those that do good for others go out and publicly announce it. Not really. Yes, some do and that is ok, but if the truth be told, those that are doing the good things really don't want to let it be known of their involvement. There are so many of us that give to our communities but we don't need it advertised. Personal pride and knowing that we have helped others without recognition is enough for many people.

Yes, Tom, you wrote about what you perceived to be the greatest of generations but I want to say that each and every generation has its share of great accomplishments. Each generation since the beginning of our great country has had its share of people who have done something spectacular to make it better for the next generation that comes along. Since history has a tendency to repeat itself I know that the generations that follow will do the same for generations that come after them. With each and every passing day all of us go through trials and triumphs that will cause us to better ourselves and want to better those around us.