Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bruce Jenner wants another Gold Medal

Transgender.. being a female in a male body, or male in a female body. Really!!!! Bruce says, if I have heard correctly, that he has had feelings that relate more to a female and over his lifetime this has caused him to question his inner body and wants to make the correction by now living as a woman. Wow... 

What do I believe? Really it makes no difference other than to myself but I like to express my thoughts through my writings. I believe that we all, both male and female have developed ourselves by the influences in our life. We learn and mimic and eventually take over the actions and make them our own. This is natural if you ask me. Now with Mr Jenner I would say that he may have taken the feelings he had and held them in for many a time.. I mean, really, The guy won a gold medal in the 1976 Olympics in the Decathalon. He was a mans man for goodness sake. Ok, as I do not know all about his childhood maybe he took whatever feelings he was having back then and used them to become the athlete he was. You bottle things up, hold them in, and in his determination to be exactly opposite of what he was feeling, became a world class decathlete. Then fast forward to where no one really knows who and what you are. Living among many strong women who are making a name for themselves and back come those feminine thoughts that for so long he had to keep inside. Now it is time for him to take the forefront, start running that decathalon so to speak, and gain that Gold Medal he so desires again.

Now I believe we all at times show feelings that have been contributed towards one gender or another. Men have so called feminine feelings and women have masculine feelings. Lets correct this right off. Men and women have feelings. PERIOD. To categorize feelings and place them to a gender is just wrong. It is also unfair to everyone to justify the categorization of these feelings. Is it right to call a male, young or old, that expresses his "feminine" feelings a sissy? Or when a woman shows that strong masculine side do we call her macho man? NO!!! This is all part of bullying isn't it. Lets take this a step further. To allow the categorization of feelings now, makes us look at many others and say that they should have been a man, or would have made a great woman. Isn't this against what women have been fighting for in wanting to be equal with men since the beginning of the women's liberation era. If a woman has the desire and imagination as well as feelings that she can do all that a man can do in whatever field they excell in do they have to become and live as a man to do it. HELL NO!!!!! As a woman they can do anything and everything that they have been born with, as a woman. The same goes for men too. To say you were born in the wrong body is in my opinion, an insult to mankind. I could find arguments to it in both Biblical and evolutionary thinking, but I am choosing to stay away from that.

Needing to wrap this up I need to dedicate this paragraph to Bruce Jenner.. You can call yourself Caitlyn all you want but you will always be a man, no matter what you do. Somewhere down the line you were told to not have certain feelings because they are attributed to the feminine gender. Yes, you had certain feelings but they were your feelings. Human feelings. Attention is what you have desired because you have become an afterthought. You are now going to get your 2nd Gold Medal. Some courageous person you are to get the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. I know it does not matter to you because you are all about yourself but look at those that deserve this award more than you. Your insecurities and selfishness has put you on top of the sports world. OH MY GOD!!!!! The sports world has gone insane. Guess what is going to happen at the ESPY's, You are going to be up on that podium and people are going to be cheering and standing and hollering your name. The limelight is going to be shining on you so brightly. I wont be watching it though. You, to me, are a disgrace to humankind because you have turned on who you actually are and who you were born to be. Those are things you can not change but you have chosen to try to do so and you are being rewarded for doing it. Congratulations.